Our good doggie friends Puppy, Wishbone, Brandon and Khan - who are all recycled doggies - brought to our attention a recycled doggie, Soco, who needs our help.
Soco, is a beautiful pitbull who was rescued and taken to the Yanceyville, NC animal shelter. When they were going to euthanize him, his mom, Susan, who has worked at this shelter for years took him home. Soco has turned into a beautiful, loving, well-behaved boy and as his mom says, "he is her whole life."
Soco is now two and has a torn ACL. He needs it repaired. But the surgery costs $3000. His dad lost his job and his mom only has the income from the animal shelter. If Soco's mom can not raise the money for this surgery, he will need to be put to sleep.
We know times are tough but we ask if you can even spare $1 to help Soco. A fund has been set up at Give Forward, http://www.giveforward.org/soco/ . Soco's vet information is there in case you want to verify his story to be sure where your money is going. We encourage you to do this.
When mommy and I started Read My Paws, one of our goals was to help doggies get adopted and doggies in need. Soco is in need. So, if you want to buy ANY Read My Paws shirt, we will donate $5 per shirt to Soco's fund. Go to http://www.readmypaws.com/
Our shirt "Recycle. Adopt a Dog" was designed to help doggies like Soco. His mommy did recycle and adopted him. Now we need to help him.
We thank you so much for your help. Please pass this message on to as many people as you can.
Love, Baarney