Not long ago, I told you how being a social doggie was very exhausting. Now it just got worse because I'm all a-Twitter!
Yes, I hate to admit it but I'm now on Twitter. I put it off as long as possible, but you can't be top dog and the center of attention at Yappy Hours if you don't have a Twitter account.
My Twitter name is readmypaws. You can send me a message on Twitter @readmypaws. I did my first "tweet" last night. I feel like I'm now truly a social dog and once again top dog. I've got a Barktini event to go to Friday night so after having a few drinks, eating some treats and doing an appropriate amount of sniffing, I can tweet from the Barkini. I can report live and let you know which doggies are cute, which doggies can't hold their drinks, which doggies are peeing on things and which doggies are tons of fun. I know there will be some very jealous doggies at this event.
Being a-Twitter is not without its share of problems. I have to learn a new vocabulary, and there is a whole new level of social pressure on me. If I tweet and don't like it, I will have "mistweeted." If I'm not good at tweeting, all my doggie friends will be calling me a "tweetard!" If I tweet while I've been drinking, I'll be a "dweet." If very few doggies and people follow me, I won't have any "twaffic!"
I'm counting on all of you to help me out. I know you will follow me and be my "tweeps." And, as my number of "tweeps" grow, it won't be long before I have a "twaggle!"
Gotta go tweet,
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